After catching up on sleep, it’s time to reflect on what was a huge achievement by our two teams . . . Team Wheelz and Team Axle.

The first thing to say is that we have raised a grand total of £2,061, surpassing our original target, for The British Heart Foundation and The British Lung Foundation. It’s difficult to put into words how generous our staff, family and many friends have been this year. Thank you ALL.

As ever, we kicked off at 3:00pm (Le Mans rules) on Friday 26th June with a number of colleagues cheering us on. This year, Dave “Speed Demon” Faupel and Paul “Mr X” Williams took to the start line for Lap 1.


As it’s the 4th running of the event, it didn’t take hardly any time at all for everyone to sync into their teams, roles and lap duties. However, this year there were a couple of mechanicals, the first of which was on Friday evening when Speed Demon suffered a double puncture.


Evening closed in, and with it came a tropical storm which landed perfectly on Foz and Steve “Chappaz” Chapman up in Harborne #soakedthrough

Deep into the night, and as midnight came and went, “Flava Flave” got herself a new nickname . . . Enter “Tron”.


The Rider Control shift change went by and everyone started to plan for double laps in order for the teams to get some shut-eye, which we think for most worked out well this year.

Daylight again with the sky contiuing to get clearer and just after the halfway mark the teams had clocked up a combined 400+ miles.

Then to late morning and Chappaz gets the second of the mechanicals, although this time it’s a bit more final. A broken chain, sheared derraileur and bent spokes all mean an early bath, but most importantly there’s not a scratch on the rider.

The customary final team lap (with small pit-stop) saw everyone back out one more time and we all crossed the line together just after 3:00pm. 24 hours in the saddle complete with 77 Laps and 758 Miles committed to the history books.


Team B2B are constantly amazed and in awe of just how much this event has captured the imagination of those who both support and take part now making it local folklore at our Birmingham offices. We are truly thankful to have such a great extended team.

If you want to see how the event played out on the night itself, have a look at @Enduro2015 on Twitter for comedy commentary and pictures provided by all involved.

Special Thanks

We’d like to thank Serco, Sungard, Kelway, Microland, Level3 and Melon Yard for allowing the use of the site, time, food, t-shirts, medals and prizes for our raffle. Without the latter, we wouldn’t have smashed our fundraising target.

As always, Rider Control had the hardest task, in that they have to stay awake and deal with the riders which isn’t always pleasant in the wee small hours. Our sincere thanks here go to “Captain” Matt Carr, Megan Ibbetson, Julian Harris, Linda Stokes and Kate Whattus for giving up their free time to support Enduro.

Alistair Grieve, our offical B2B photographer (probably his best pics yet).

Kevin Richards and James “Wolverine” Sirrett for logistical support.

Dee Gumbley and Yvonne “Tron” Flavin for co-ordinating the hugely successful cake bake, samosa sale and raffle.

. . . and finally, the Enduro Riders. Your efforts, enthusiasm and willingness to keep coming back for more make this event what it is. Ours.
